My Guest Book
I love receiving comments from my readers. Please take a moment to send your comments, suggestions and thoughts to my e-mail address below. I always respond to my readers' e-mails.
I will add your name and e-mail to my newsletter list and keep you informed about upcoming events, future books, and articles. I respect your privacy and will never sell or rent the e-mail list. Unsubscribe option is available in each newsletter.
Thank you.
Send me an email at: shobhan @ shobhanbantwal.com
You can also Like me on Facebook and get updates of my events.
Speaking Engagements
I am an experienced speaker and enjoy speaking to audiences, both small and large, and talk about my writing, my Indian culture, and my unique experiences as an Indian-American woman who grew up in a rural town in India, had an arranged marriage, and then spent the major part of my adult life in the United States.
- Local area Book clubs
- Library groups
- Bookstore patrons
- Cultural associations
- University/ College student groups
- Non-profit orgnizations that assist victims of domestic violence
- Conducted workshops for aspiring writers
- Have been a panelist at conferences and symposiums for writers and readers
- Guest lectured a college class on "Multi-cultural issues"
If you are interested in inviting me to address your group or organization, please contact me at the above e-mail address.
I will be happy to appear in person by appointment at Book Clubs and any other interested groups in the Metro-Phoenix, AZ area. For other parts of the U.S., Canada or the world, I am available to speak with your group through Skype or telephone. I have done many Skype interviews with Book Clubs within the USA. Recently I Skyped with 2 groups in Cape Town, South Africa.
I do not charge any speaker's fee for my appearances.
My Newsletter
If you do not want to post a comment, you can still sign up for the periodic newsletters that will keep you informed about upcoming events, future books, articles, contests, book give-aways, etc. Sign up by filling the form below. After you submit the form, a confirmation e-mail will be automatically sent to the address specified. Please click on the link within the confirmation e-mail to validate your sign-up request.
This will not result in more spam. I respect your privacy and will never sell or rent the e-mail list. Unsubscribe option is available in each newsletter.