Want to help victims of domestic violence?
Contact any of the Women's Aid Organizations listed below...

ASAFSF - Arizona
Mission: To provide culturally appropriate support services and to raise awareness of the issue of domestic violence in the South Asian Community.
Vision: We envision families free of domestic violence, with equity and respect for all.
Values: Accountability, Collaboration, Commitment, Dedication, Integrity.

MAITRI - California
We are a free, confidential, referral nonprofit organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area, that primarily helps families from South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka among others) facing domestic violence, emotional abuse, cultural alienation, human trafficking or family conflict.

APNA GHAR - Illinois
Apna Ghar provides holistic services to women and children across immigrant communities in the Chicago area to end the cycle of domestic violence. Apna Ghar empowers women to be self-sufficient by a full spectrum of services from education to emergency and transitional housing to counseling and legal services.

MAI Family Services - Michigan
MAI Family Services is a non-profit organization that provides assistance to families and individuals of South Asian community in Michigan. These services are free and confidential. Our case workers offer nonjudgmental, empathetic and culturally sensitive counseling. We also provide legal aid clinics, translation or interpretation services, temporary emergency housing assistance, and community education workshops.

MANAVI - New Jersey
Manavi is a New Jersey-based women's rights organization that works to end all forms of violence against South Asian women living in the U.S. "South Asian" women are those who identify themselves as being from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, or Sri Lanka. Through a wide variety of programs, Manavi ensures that women of South Asian descent in the U.S can exercise their fundamental right to live a life of dignity that is safe and free from violence.

SAKHI - New York, NY
Sakhi for South Asian Women is a community-based organization in the New York metropolitan area committed to ending violence against women of South Asian origin. we work to empower women, particularly survivors of domestic violence. Sakhi strives to create a voice and safe environment for all South Asian women through outreach, advocacy, leadership development, and organizing.

SAATHI - Rochester, NY
Saathi is a not-for-profit organization based in Rochester, NY to help South Asian women in situations of domestic abuse including physical, verbal, economical and emotional, and/or sexual abuse and we are committed to the idea of preventing domestic violence. Our volunteers speak English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Urdu, Gorkhi, Punjabi and Gujarati.

ASHA - Washington, DC
ASHA for Women serves South Asian women and children affected by domestic violence in the Washington DC area. We listen, advise, and assist in a number of ways. We speak the language, share the culture, and are committed to seeing abused women and children safe, confident and happy.